Aeon Card: Arc Lighting

June 14, 2015 at 8:00 am

TEK_AEON_Arc_Light copyArchon LEO thrust forth his armored hand, and felt the wave of energy pass over him. A static buzz filled the air around him causing his skin, still enclosed in millimeters of high density armor, prickled with goosebumps. It was as if someone was breathing on his neck, tracing their finger down his chest and along his arm. He shivered under such a touch.

                He closed his eyes and let the energy build, until it would be contained no longer. Opening his eyes he set his gaze on the target before him and let loose with Aeonic wrath.

                The building before him didn’t burn, it didn’t explode. It simply vaporized as bolt after bolt of electricity leapt from his fingers, grounding themselves against the pathetic structure.

It should surprise no one that Skyrus, Goddess of science, would be drawn to electricity and of course lightning. As an Aeon she is very much like the power that she embodies. Both can be incredibly beautiful in the right application. For example, when viewed from a distance. Both are extremely powerful; capable of being used to build or to destroy. Both can be difficult to work with. And both can be deadly when not respected.

The laws of energy are controlled by the aethers; the particles that reside in the nexus and influence the natural world. We witness the transfer of energy from source to source because aethers are there to ensure the most conductive path is taken. But a gentle nudge to the power of the aethers, and we can choose a new target for an electrical arc, rather than the one dictated by the laws of physics.

A card like Arc Lighting introduces players to the concept of a ‘Smite’. Smite cards attack the enemy directly through the hand of the Aeon. It most instances, they ignore cover and line of sight. Models don’t use their turn to attack, instead they rely on the destructive power of their Aeon. You can’t hide from an Aeon, and their terrible wrath is sure to follow you if you have roused their ire. A few smite cards in your Aeon deck can quickly turn the balance of power to your favor by throwing out extra Aeon powered attacks to aid your forces. But beware of your opponent’s cards as well!